DAGOR a prominent street artist and muralist joins Retrospect Galleries
We are thrilled to welcome to the Retrospect community DAGOR, Fabian Solymar a Hungarian-Venezuelan artist currently based in Caracas, Venezuela who has established himself as a leading figure in Venezuelan Street Art, translating his research into geometric abstraction and typography.
DAGOR's works constitute a universe of reductionist abstraction which echoes the visual languages of modernity while also inserting itself in a deeply contemporary geometry. His research is transported to paintings on canvas, wood assemblage and Muralist interventions. For DAGOR Muralism plays a very important role in his practice, he believes fervently in the positive impact of public art on the culture and welfare of people, creating spaces that can offer a sense of community, places for contemplation and spaces to cement identities.
This video shows one of DAGOR's most recent interventions a social project in the biggest neighbourhood of Latin America, Petare where political propaganda was replaced by more than 12 murals that had the goal of creating a public trail.